ECommerce Website
Created a full stack inventory managment webpage, in which employees can add, remove, change stock and price of items. Also created fully functional api.
Audio convolution
Created an audio convolution algorithm that applies the fast fourier transform. Used optimizations startergies to get under 1 second convulution.
WebCensorship Proxy
Created a dynammic WebCensorship Proxy using TCP/IP and HTTPS, in which user can dynammicly add and remove words from the block list.
Prime number detector
Created a dynamic prime number detector in C++ and optimized it using multithreading. Able to calculate very large numbers in under 3 seconds.
Shortest flight calculator
Created a program that is able to calculate the shortest travel route between any two Canadian airportsusing the dijkstra's algorithm.
Self-Checkout System
Coloborated with 14 others to create the entire COOP Self-Checkout System, including GUI, software and hardware. Rigorously tested all code using JUnit.